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KNX Mini PIR & Lux Sensor is a multi-function sensor which contains PIR sensor, temperature sensor, Lux sensor and external telegram. 5 logical blocks are available and each block contains 10 object outputs. Logical relations AND, OR can be set and single mode and master/slave mode are supported.
Storage relative humidity ≤93%
KNX Presence Sensor is a multi-function sensor which contains PIR sensor, temperature sensor and brightness sensor. 4 independent logical blocks and 1 combined block are available, and each block contains 10 object outputs. Logical relations AND, OR can be set and single mode and master / slave mode are supported.
KNX Wall Mount Outdoor Microwave Sensor contains four independent logic blocks and one combined logic block. Supported input logical conditions include: Microwave sensing status, brightness value, temperature value, dry contact status and external telegram. The sensor can control lighting, curtain and threshold value.