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Published date:2023/6/6 7:41:51
Admiring the natural beauty of Lake Lugano to the north and the snow scene of Monte San Salvatore to the south, people who live in Parcolago Apartment enjoy a more comfortable life with the convenience brought by smart home.
Located in Paradiso, Switzerland, surrounded by the impressive mountain landscape of Monte San Salvatore, Parcolago Apartment lies on the shore of Lake Lugano and near the Casa Vassalli, one of the city's oldest buildings. It is a place where stylish architecture blends harmoniously with its relaxed surroundings and HDL makes it the perfect place to enjoy luxurious living with a restful vibe.
How does Parcolago Apartment realizes smart homes?
There are a few answers.
Flexible integration with third parties
HDL employs the KNX system to provide the proprietor with an integrated solution for different types of proprietors. With the KNX system, HDL products are allowed to interconnect with other technological systems in the project to meet the intelligent needs of different proprietors, automating and simplifying their daily life. The complexity of integration with third parties is one of the highlights of this project. And the high number of dwellings in this project also increases its practical difficulty.
Intelligent lighting control
As to the smart lighting, DALI Gateway is installed to make the lighting control simpler and more interesting. Apart from turning ON/OFF the lights, you can adjust the brightness, light color and color temperature as well with real-time failure detection. PIR sensors are also adopted for the smart control of indoor lighting system. By detecting the environment in each area, the system is able to provide the user with suitable lighting and select the curtain combination dimming. The lights in the apartment are turned on only when they are needed, saving greatly on power consumption.
Effortless shading control
At the same time, the system also entitles proprietors to control curtains and blinds without hands. Smart shading control creates a balance between natural and artificial light sources. This allows a home to maximize and harmonize the lighting effectively.
Home automation allows you to enjoy the beauty and convenience at the same time. Choose HDL, choose a more comfortable life.